Taylor Swift is a self-made billionaire. Based on conservative estimates, her net worth is 1.1 billion.
According to Forbes magazine, she’s the first musician to reach the milestone solely from performing, streaming deals, record sales, and songwriting. This puts her in a unique category.
Let us check how this correlates with her QMDJ chart.
Her wealth palace contains the following components: Bing Geng stem combination, Shower, Grow, Chief, and PWS#6.
When we look at a chart of a billionaire, this is no longer about whether this is auspicious or inauspicious.
She’s done it! How? Let us try to find out.
The combination of components in her wealth palace can be compared to a treasure box placed in a hard-to-reach place. How to get there? What did she need to do to get there? She had to meet certain conditions.
Here they are:
1. The Bing Geng stem combo has a romantic twist to it. As they say, Mars and Venus come together in a romantic encounter. Taylor Swift’s songs are about romance, love, and relationships. She has a strong sex appeal. For her Wealth luck, this is condition number one.
2. The way she thinks is represented by the Shower star. This is about being street-smart, i.e. being clever in how to position herself, which charities to donate to, which popular causes to support, etc. This is a second condition.
3. Her actions are represented by the Grow door. It relates to the Gen trigram, which relates to the youngest son of the family and future wealth. Grow door is in Gen palace, Fu Yin, which for an average person would be inauspicious. However, for someone prepared to work hard from an early age, and do the right thing, there are no obstacles. This is also about being at the right place at the right time. That’s the condition number three.
4. The Chief Deity is the Deity above all other deities. The Chief gives the strongest support one can get. Let us be clear, on her own, achieving such a tremendous success would not be possible. Condition number four is about pulling the right strings and scoring the right support from the right people. This can also be related to the ancestral luck she was born with.
5. And finally, condition number five is about taking a commanding role in her industry. This can be seen from PWS#6 which relates to the Qian trigram (which relates to the head of the family, authority). This is about becoming someone who sets the rules for others, shaping the trends in the pop music industry for the whole generation of musicians and fans.
Now we can see how she did it. One could say, Taylor Swift is lucky. Yes, she is, but she is also an extremely dedicated artist who worked with the right strategies for achieving her goals. Her wealth is a consequence.
Are you wondering what is in your wealth palace? And what can you do to reach your treasure box?
Come and join us for the QMDJ Destiny Oracle on the 8-10 of June 2024 at Master Jo Ching’s Destiny Academy in Singapore.
Apart from numerous case studies, the participants will definitely learn how to identify their wealth luck too.
Trainer: Master Anna Zarasyan (PhD)
Facilitator: Master Jo Ching
Course dates: 8 to 10 June 2024 in Singapore (10am to 5pm)
Venue: Our training room will be next to a MRT station
Lesson in English. Voice Recording allowed. Course Book provided.
Free Revision.
After-class support is readily available.
You can click on the link below to find out more about the course syllabus.
Thank you.