Naked Eyes Fengshui for Home & Wealth Sector Selection Workshop

Naked Eyes Feng Shui for Home Selection & Calculating the Best Wealth Corner

<Course Outline>

1. How to use Naked Eyes Urban fengshui system to identify good & bad fengshui landed and high rise units and select auspicious house or office (naked eyes system means no need to use Luo Pan to do feng shui).

2. How to locate Living Room and Office wealth sector and to activate it using classical Growth & Prosper theory. Bring your floor plan and direction of house/office facing

3. How to know which geographical areas in Singapore and overseas will be prospering for next 25 years and hence good to buy property.

4. How to use existing Wealth enhancers from your Home or Office (no need to buy expensive fengshui items).

5. Participants to practise on own floor plan to locate wealth sector and Master Jo CHING will check.
If you are interested you can drop us an email to find out more about the next intake. Email Lester at : academy@destinyasia.com.sg