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To ask for Rain? Use this Xuan Kong Da Gua + San Yuan 64 Hexagram Qi Men Dun Jia Timing

For certain burial sites or buildings that look like sea animal shape, it will be appropriate to select a timing that not only can it usher in the right energy but also specific weather condition that will be able to interact nicely with the site so that it brings the prosperity to a higher notch. […]

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Please Pick the Right Door to Open

Qi Men Dun Jia, loosely translated into English, means Mystical Doors Hiding Jia Wood. Sometimes, one calls it Wondrous Door Escape System. Nevertheless, English words can never aptly describe the essence of the meaning behind it. Maybe I will just literally name it “Yi-Bing-Ding and 8 Doors Hiding the Jia wood” system to give a […]

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Reasons Why One Wants to Learn Qi Men Dun Jia

Students from Qi Men class in Malaysia practising the art Every day in life is a battle. But we hope we can control the outcome. Don’t we? So, top 10 reasons why one wants to learn Qi Men Dun Jia are as follow. You use it to either help yourself or your clients: 1. Upper […]

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Liu Bo Wen versus Zhu Ge Liang – Who was the smarter one?

Below is an anecdote which i have read from a book that mentions how Liu Bo Wen was outwit by Zhu Ge Liang. Both were great military strategists and famous for their ingenious use of Qi Men Dun Jia and other forms of chinese metaphysics to help their country in different era. One day, Liu […]

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Embracing Your Useful God

Lady’s Bazi Above bazi belongs to a lady. Weak chart and favourable elements will be water, wood and metal. I would believe most of us will deduce that when this lady enters into earth luck cycle, which is her unfavourable wealth element, she will suffer bad health and run into financial issue. We often say […]

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Singapore Cabinet Restructuring – The Stars knew it

Just saw the news on PM announcing a sweeping change in his cabinet. On 19 March 2012, I actually made a prediction on my facebook. Some of you might be able to recall. If not, I attached the screenshot for you. You can click to read my posting. March 2012 Prediction on Cabinet Restructuring This […]

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Stars Don’t Lie

Part of my job is to follow my clients to go down to the houses that they have shortlisted to assess the feng shui quality. If I deem that the house is able to support and give their luck a boost, the client will proceed to negotiate and buy it. Almost in all circumstances, the […]

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Ba Zi and Horoscopes

For those who are also into classical astrology like me, you will know that bazi actually models after it. It is interesting to note that the 5 elements in the diagram above refer to the planet(s) governing each horoscope. Capricorn and Aquarius are governed by Saturn. In ba zi lingo, it implies the rat and […]

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The Study of Heavenly Stems – Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia, a highly sophisticated field in the chinese metaphysics, is sometimes also known as the Study of Heavenly Stems (天干学). Why is this so is because the 4 very important stems that Qi Men practitioners focus on are namely Jia wood, Yi wood, Bing fire and Ding fire. Oh, and one more, […]

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Re-discovering the Meaning of Life

In my career as a feng shui person who provides Ba Zi or Destiny consults to my clients, quite a significant portion of them were quite depressed and unhappy with their current life when they came and saw me. They have questions on their mind that they could not find answers for. Sometimes, such questions […]

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Catch the Useful God 捉用神

Students like to ask me what is “catching useful god”. This term is a direct loose translation from the chinese words 捉用神. I told them it is one of the more advance and abstract concepts in the study of ba zi. How useful then is this god? Can we pray to it and get blessed […]

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Hougang By-election – What do the Stars say?

It came as a bit of surprise to most people when our Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, choose to announce this month on his Facebook that Hougang residents will have to vote again on 26 May 2012 after its previous Member of Parliament, Mr Yaw Shin Leong, was expelled from the party due to […]

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