Bazi, also known as 4 Pillars of Destiny, is a form of Chinese Astrology using one’s birth details to determine a person’s life journey. Through bazi analysis, we aim to help you to understand yourself better in terms of your potentials in life and hence, leverage on it to achieve maximum results. We believe that if you know your destiny, you can change it.
During the 1-hour consultation, we will discuss topics on:
- wealth potential
- future spouse quality
- career selection
- health issues
- extra-marital affair
- business luck
- children’s behavior
- legal problem
- romance luck
- compatibility analysis
- personality analysis
- overall luck for the year
- 10-Year luck cycle analyses
All bazi consults are by appointments and please email our Master at
You are also welcome to SMS or call Master Jo Ching at +65-97982675 if you have urgent request.